Recently, computing architecture and new technology has been becoming increasingly important to city lives. In particular, the technology which has been applied in transportation system has been playing a big role in promoting the development of various devices.
The second edition of International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Smart City (ITASC) will be held in the beautiful city, Shanghai in 21st -22nd May, 2015. The conference will focus on some research aspects of “Transportation”, “Civil Engineering”, “Information”, “Environment”, etc. and make extensive communications accordingly. The conference is themed of the theoretical technology and its application in intelligent transportation and smart city, attempting to connect these two aspects from a theoretical point and improve the efficiency and quality of our daily transportation which could eventually lead to a harmonious life. The purpose of this conference is to apply novel technology and products to the research fields of transportation, civil engineering, information control and environmental science, etc. along with providing a high level and systematic international exchange platform for relevant researchers and companies in order to promote the development of the intelligent transportation. Mainly discussing the scientific and technological issues within this field, the conference is meant to construct a platform for open communications as well as creating an opportunity for integration within different subjects and between academic areas and industries.
- 5+Institutions/Associations
- 10+Project Owners/Construction Sides
- 30+Operation and Maintenance Services Providers
- 20+Material, Technology and Equipment Suppliers
- 20+Countries/Regions, Enterprises
- 20+Professional Media
- Tongji University
- Shanghai Creative Studies Institute
- Shanghai Institute of Traffic Engineering
- Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering
- Shanghai Association For System Simulation
- Honorary Chairman:Sun Jun, Wu Zhiqiang, Duan Ning, Yang Dongyuan, Li Guoqiang, Tongji University, China
Chairman:Lu Jian, Tongji University, China
Executive Chairman:Zeng Xiaoqing, Tongji University, China - Organizing Committee Members
Xie Xiongyao, Tongji University, China Li Guoqiang Li Keping Wen Yuqin
Zhang Lun, Tongji University, China Zeng Xiaoqing Xiong Lan Bai Yanfeng
Sun Jian Shanghai Jiaotong University, China Zhu Huijun Cai Lan Wang Gang
Jiang Jianhui, Tongji University, China Fu Deming Shi Dongbing
Ma Limin, Tongji University, China Shi Xiaoming He Jiahua
- Kinji Mori
- Professor
- Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Waseda University
- Kopetz Hermann
- Em.Univ. Prof.
- Vienna University of Technology
- Carlos Perez Leguizamo
- Research and Innovation Technology Chief at Central Bank Operations Division
- Banco de México
- Sun Jun
- Academician
- Academy of Chinese Sciences
- Wu Zhiqiang
- Vice President
- Tongji University
- Yinong Chen
- Professor
- Arizona State University
- Wang Mengshu
- Expert-Tunnel and Underground Engineering
- Academician of Academy of Chinese Engineering
- Li Xiaojun
- Professor
- Tongji University
- Bi Xiangli
- Chief Engineer
- Shanghai?Shentong?Metro Co., Ltd.
- Lu Sun
- Director of the Digital Architecture Design & Research Center
- East China Architecture Design & Research Institute
- Yang Dongyuan
- Vice President of Tongji University
- Zhitao?Wang
- general?manager
- Shanghai?Junma?traffic?technology?CO.,LTD
- Hu Hao
- Shanghai?Fuxin?Intelligent?Transportation?Solutions Co., Ltd.
- Qian Jiang
- Manager of Urban Transit System Development Dept.
- Ma Yao
- Thales?Saic?Transport?Limited Company
- Dong Decun
- Prof. Dean of Traffic Engineering Institute
- Tongji University
- Xie Xiongyao
- Prof. Dean of Civil Engineering Institute
- Tongji University
- Ma Limin
- Professor
- Tongji University
- Wang Yunfei
- Vice President
- Shanghai Vocational College of Science and Technology
- Zhao Shengchuan
- Prof. Dean of School of Transportation and Logistics
- Dalian University of Technology
- Peng Qiyuan
- Prof. Dean of School of Transportation and Logistics
- Southwest Jiaotong University
- Guo Jin
- Professor
- Southwest Jiaotong University
- Transportation Infomation, Control and Security
- Internet of Things, Cloud Computing and Big Data
- Bridge Construction Security Technologies
- Intelligent Monitoring Technologies
- Engineering Lifetime Informationization Technologies
- Energy Conversation, Ecological?City
- ……